Every asshole is a person

Waldersten’s ‘Every asshole is a person.’

This image, by the Swedish Artist Waldersten, is my computer screensaver.

It reminds me of another image, a postcard a friend sent me saying ‘Everyone is a Complete Disappointment’. On the back she’d written “except you!”. I’m sure I am a disappointment to some people, and an asshole to others. It’s all part of being human.

What I see in these two images is compassion. Waldersten is reminding us that even when someone is being an asshole, they are still a person, and every person is worthy of compassion. The ‘Everyone is a Complete Disappointment’ card sat on my desk when I lived in a retreat centre, a reminder not to burden people with my unrealistic expectations, but instead to receive people’s goodness as an unexpected gift.

The message of compassion comes in different guises!

Everyone is a complete disappointment

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Thoughts and vulnerability